Video Production Services

Enhance Your School District's Communication and Outreach Efforts with SWBOCES Video Production Services

At Southern Westchester BOCES, we are proud to offer exceptional professional video production services designed to elevate your school district's communication and outreach initiatives. Our team comprises highly skilled and experienced video production specialists, and we provide a comprehensive range of services, including video filming, editing, and post-production, all aimed at ensuring that your school can access high-quality, captivating videos for a wide array of purposes, including:

  • District Spotlights
  • Superintendent Updates
  • Bond / Capital Project Updates
  • Curriculum Highlights / Educational Programs 
  • Events Coverage
  • Video Newsletters
  • Social Media Videos 

When you choose to collaborate with Southern Westchester BOCES for your video production needs, you can count on having access to the latest technology, cutting-edge techniques, and a steadfast commitment to delivering exceptional results. Explore some examples of the types of videos we specialize in below.