Career Opportunities at SWBOCES
Click the job titles for information on each position
- Benefits Assistant
- Teacher of Students with Disabilities, 1-6
- Teacher of Students with Disabilities, 7-12
- Teacher of Students with Disabilities, K-12
- Teacher Aide
- Teaching Assistant
- Benefits Coordinator
- Substitute Teacher Aide
- Resource Specialist - RECOVS
- CTE Teacher - Automotive Technology
- Customer Service Representative
- Substitute Food Service Helper
- Music Teacher
- Dual Cert., Teacher of Students with Disabilities - Biology or Chemistry
- Library Media Science Specialist
- Junior Network Specialist
- Secretary to School Principal
- Summer School Registered Nurse
- Systems Engineer
Thank you for your interest in working at Southern Westchester BOCES. We seek to attract employees who shared our values of trust, respect, collaboration and excellence. The Human Resources Department supports our BOCES by working with our leadership team to recruit the most capable and dedicated individuals to join our staff.
Southern Westchester BOCES uses an online application system called RecruitFront. To view and apply for current job opportunities, please click the following link to our RecruitFront landing page:
Click the images below for links to video tutorials on how to use RecruitFront to apply for open positions with Southern Westchester BOCES.
Personnel Assistant: Nancy Riznychok
Phone: 914-937-3820, Ext. 4523